Bulletproof IT Business Resource Blogs

September 4, 2023
Choosing the Right IT Support Provider in Alberta: Key Factors to Consider

In 2023, having reliable technology assistance isn't just an option anymore; it's a necessity, regardless of your company's size. Investing in technology is crucial if your company wants to maintain a competitive edge amidst constant innovation. Yet, as we've seen with the current boom in Generative AI, businesses can make massive mistakes in their haste […]

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April 15, 2019
Assessing Your Technology with a Managed Service Provider

Many small to mid-sized businesses do not have their own IT department or the capabilities to maintain their network infrastructure in-house. That’s where a managed service provider comes in. The right MSP can be a game-changer for your company. They can help streamline your technology so that you worry less about failing computers and more […]

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February 15, 2019
Why You Should Implement 2-Step Authentication

A username and password may have sufficed for our professional predecessors, but the hackers nowadays aren’t your grandma’s hackers. Malicious programmers of today can test billions of password combinations per second. With this technology, they can expose 90% of all passwords. That’s a scary thought when you think of all your business data sitting behind […]

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February 10, 2019
How Exactly Does Managed Services Help Your Business?

Put simply, managed services in business is the practice of outsourcing IT to improve operations and cut expenses. Managed service providers, or MSPs, are the independent contractors that provide these necessary products and services. Many businesses prefer this route to hire a full-time in-house IT staff. But what exactly are the benefits and how do […]

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February 1, 2019
The Revolution of AI Within a Business Functionality

Artificial intelligence is a concept that was born out of science fiction. Flying cars, holographic projections, eerily humanoid robots, take your pick of Hollywood-fuelled visuals. But if artificial intelligence is the future, then the future is already upon us. Everything from our smartphones to our cars, our manufacturing to our entertainment, is coloured by the […]

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January 20, 2019
Best Ways to Backup Your Content for a Modern Business

Backups are a supplement to your Disaster Recovery Plan. While they are by no means the only component, they are a huge factor in getting your business moving after a catastrophe. Having an up-to-date, easy-to-access content backup will allow your company to start where you left off instead of rebuilding all of the lost data. […]

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January 1, 2019
Prevention of Malware and Ransomware

Malicious software, or malware, is an umbrella term referring to any type of program or code that is harmful to computing systems. This includes viruses, trojans, and the especially destructive ransomware. These programs upset normal functioning and work to make money off of the person or business they are targeting. By using tactics to invade, […]

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December 10, 2018
How Hyperconverged Infrastructure Boosts Your Business

Technology is one of the most rapidly expanding industries of our modern age. With innovative new products and systems coming out every year, it can be hard to filter the fairweather fads from the actual industry trends. In recent years, hyperconverged systems have come on to the market. But what are they? And how do […]

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November 14, 2018
Best Business Cloud Storage For Small Businesses

Cloud-Based Services for Small Businesses Small businesses require unique solutions for their cloud-based needs. Though finding the best cloud storage for a small business can be very tricky for a few reasons. While the most obvious caveat of small business is fewer employees, this leads to an intensely diversified workforce. Big businesses have the numbers […]

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November 14, 2018
Advantages of Using Office 365

Advantages of Office 365 With over 20 years of Managed IT experience, it’s no surprise that we’ve seen our fair share of software technology in action. This unique view has allowed us to see what works, and what doesn’t when it comes to small to mid-sized businesses. One product that has withstood the test of […]

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Recent Posts
Why Cloud Services Are Key for Enhancing Your Non-Profit's Impact and Efficiency 

Despite their noble missions, non-profits are still subject to the growing risks posed by operating in a digitized business environment.   They often struggle to operate efficiently, with limited resources for building a robust IT infrastructure that can handle their data, streamline their processes, and increase productivity. From the cyberattack on Save The Children, where hackers […]

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Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Best Practices for Safeguarding Your Business

As businesses face increasing cyber threats that risk destabilizing their operations, we all need to take lessons from high-profile threat incidents like the 23andMe data breach or MGM resort hack, Maintaining strong cybersecurity is more than just installing the right tools and technology or making the right decisions. We can’t just “set it and forget […]

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