Should Your Business Outsource IT? (Yes!)

outsource IT

Running your own business can be an intensely rewarding experience. You get to serve as your own boss, make the rules, and chart forward your own path to success. There's a reason that 90% of Canadian business owners consider themselves satisfied workers. 

Of course, just because the work is satisfying doesn't mean it's easy to manage it all. Business owners often have to wear a great many hats at once, and it's easy to get overwhelmed by all that has to get done. 

Outsourcing some of this work can help to relieve the pressure of running a business all on your own, without the stress of bringing on new full-time employees. Making the choice to outsource IT specifically can be one of the most advantageous choices of all.

Why might you want to outsource your IT services? What benefits come from outsourced IT support? Read on and we'll walk you through the basics.

Saves You Money

One big reason to consider outsourcing your cybersecurity needs? It can save you a whole lot of money.

If the choice is between outsourcing and staffing your own IT department, the former option is certainly one that is far more budget-friendly. 

It's no secret that staffing and onboarding is a big, expensive processes. Training a new IT staff is time-consuming - and financing the benefits for a full-time employee can take a huge chunk out of your bottom line.

That doesn't even begin to cover the costs that can arise if an employee quits and you have to start the process all over again. 

If you don't have cybersecurity needs that require 24/7 attention, it can begin to feel as if you're paying for more than you really need. 

When you outsource your IT needs, you cut down on the costs that actually fall on your company. The outsourced IT company will be in charge of paying for training, staffing, and so forth. All you'll have to pay for is the exact services that you are being provided.

A quality IT company will always have an up-to-date and well-trained staff, and may even have a team that exceeds the abilities of the kind of staff you could get on your own. This only increases the bang you can get for your buck, making outsourced IT services a logical choice. 

Frees Up Time and Mental Real Estate

As an employer, your attention is always divided between several needs at once. Managing a large staff can be a full-time job all on its own, and adding a full IT department to the mix can feel like overcrowding an already stuffed daily routine.

When you outsource managed IT needs, you'll have taken these concerns away from the interworking of your office. You won't have to manage the needs of several more employees, allowing you to put that attention more toward the actual core needs of your business.

The same can be said for the rest of your staff as well. Instead of burdening them with some IT-related work, they can commit themselves fully to the type of work that will help to bolster the success of your business. 

Is a functional IT department important to the strength of a business? Of course. Is it the kind of work that will really make or break your business? Often, no - which is why you should be able to outsource it to a company that can handle these needs for you.

This way you and your staff can keep your attention where it really counts.

Help Manage Compliance

We live in an increasingly digital world. The increased abundance of tech in our workplaces means there are more and more regulations the average business needs to abide by.

This can all get to be a lot to manage for the average business owner, especially if the language and laws and regulations are not something you respond easily to.

Legal tech compliance is an always-changing and expanding journey. If you aren't careful, you could find yourself on the receiving end of fines, charges, and even lawsuits. All of this could jeopardize the stability of your business practices. 

You could put in the work needed to get compliant with regulatory requirements, or you could hire an IT company that will do that work for you. It makes perfect sense to let a team whose bread and butter is tech compliance handle these needs for you.

Not only will it once again save time and stress, it'll help protect you and your company from potential issues down the line.

The outside expertise of an outsourced IT company can be hard to compete against, especially when it comes to topics such as these. 

Bolster Cybersecurity

The risk of cybersecurity threats increases every year. If you want to protect your company against risk, you'll want to work with the best of the best.

While you may not be able to afford to bring on the best cybersecurity experts full-time at your company, you should be able to afford their services via an outsourced model. 

Having the best defense and monitoring at your disposal can be necessary to help safeguard your company against outside threats. Outsourcing IT is the best way to get there.

Reasons to Outsource IT 

If you're on the fence about outsourcing IT services for your company, reading through the above information can be hugely beneficial.

There are many reasons to outsource IT, after all, and getting familiar with the benefits of this kind of working arrangement can help to make the sometimes difficult decision.

Have more questions about outsourcing IT, or want to know how to get started? Give us a call anytime for immediate assistance. 

Nov 15, 2022

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