6 Reasons Why You Need IT Security Services

it security services

Did you know? At least one vulnerability exists in 76% of all software applications. And, one out of every five businesses does not test their software for security

There is no question, as businesses and individuals, we are more than ever dependent on the internet and online services. This is the very reason why cyber safety is so vital!

If you're not a technologist, cybersecurity is a daunting space for sure. But even as a non-technologist, staying vigilant and ensuring mechanisms are in place to protect you and your business from those cyber-nasties is paramount.

Despite best efforts, growing connectivity increases the risk of data theft, fraud, and abuse. There are many benefits when deciding to use an IT Services Partner for cybersecurity services.

Let's dig a little deeper into Cybersecurity using an IT Security Services Partner.

1. It's Never Going Away

It is a simple truth cyber threats. They are not going to go away. In fact, they will get more complex, more elaborate, better disguised, and more aggressive as time goes by. 

There is an expression, "You don't know what you don't know!"; this is relevant in the world of cyber security and risk prevention. We do not know:

  • What is coming
  • When it will come
  • What it looks like
  • How bad it is

Safe to say, we don't know what to guard against. Unfortunately, the threat actors have the upper hand.

The pandemic has extended the perimeters of company networks. Hackers and threat actors know this and will try to capitalize. They know companies have very little control over what a remote user does on his device away from the office network. 

2. It's Always Changing

We have already mentioned cyber risk is not going to go away. We have agreed that it's challenging to identify cyber threats when they show themselves. It makes the concept of a moving goalpost seem almost inane.

Threat actors change their attacks hourly. As a result, it's challenging to update and improve cybersecurity prevention measures at the same pace. 

A cybersecurity service provider will build mechanisms to match cyber threats to your environment. Not all publicized alerts are or will be relevant to your business. There is no point in being informed of threats that are not relevant. 

Relevant threats can be quickly evaluated to trigger the appropriate countermeasures.

Too many firms are still clinging to anti-virus solutions that have already been rendered obsolete. Because many firms were locked in years ago to outdated technology dependent on malware file signatures and hashes, antivirus security suites continue to hold market dominance.

Despite the widespread use of legacy antivirus security mechanisms, an estimated 9.9 billion malware infections were reported in 2019, up from 8.2 billion in 2015. While this may be a great win for hackers, it is a scathing indictment of cybersecurity's incumbent companies' failure.

The facts are there! Threat actors have adapted to and eluded traditional security approaches. For example, among ransomware operators and their affiliates, supply chain attacks, fileless attacks, and exploit kits with known bypasses or evasions for such security mechanisms are common.

3. React and Recover Quicker With IT Security Services

It is said, "A hacker has all the time in the world to plan his attack - a business literally has minutes to react to the attack!" Speed is of the essence. 

Hackers have the upper hand.

A cybersecurity partner significantly reduces the time-lapse between the event and countermeasures.

Recovery is not only technical in nature. These are essential communications that need to be taken care of. These include:

  • Authorities
  • Customers
  • Suppliers
  • Shareholders

Quick recovery of your business activities includes communicating with these parties. Each has differing information requirements. Having a cybersecurity partnership means the technical management of the incident can continue while you manage your business. 

4. You Will Save Money

Countering cyber threats can become very costly if reacted too late or missed altogether. 

But cost-saving is not only in the reaction to and protection against threats. You may save money on supply chains, production lines, and delivery costs, depending on your business. 

5. It Will Boost Confidence with your partners

Your customers and suppliers will be far happier if you can prove that you are making every attempt to guard against cyber risk. In addition, they will be even more comfortable when you show you have partnered with a credible service provider.

One who understands your business and can ensure that customers' and suppliers' interests are included in your cyber protection plans and processes.

Your IT systems' flaws could have an impact on your customers' operations. With supply chain attacks on the rise, a single company's vulnerability may paralyze a whole industry, as illustrated by the infamous SolarWinds hack last year.

No matter how small your company is, if you're going to be handling any of your client's data, they may want to see a Vulnerability Assessment Report first to ensure that your IT security measures are up to par.

6. You Can Focus on What You Do and Reduce Stress

Cybersecurity managed IT services allow you to "get on with what you do best." 

Cybersecurity events are much more than what transpired technically or what technology or tools were used. It's about the impact on a business and the very real, very emotional toll it can have.

There's more to a security breach than meets the eye, whether it's reputational harm to clients, a drop in team morale, or financial challenges owing to the expense of a breach.

You work hard at what you do to make your business as successful as possible. However, suppose you are not a techno-oriented business and rely on platforms that you do not manage or control. Then, you will need a partner to help you map the cyber threats into cyber risks for your business.

What to Do?

It's an all-too-real situation. As a business owner or executive team, you're rushed with thoughts and emotions.

Your network is currently unavailable. Your staff is unable to work. And you start to wonder: Will, your employees lose faith in your company's leadership? Will your clients be affected? Will they go somewhere else to do business? Are you going to get sued?

Being prepared by forming a solid partnership with an IT Security Services Partner can help you avoid making costly, hasty mistakes that have far-reaching consequences for your company. So why not contact us for help.

Apr 02, 2022

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