Bulletproof Security Awareness: Deploying Your Workforce Remotely

Become a Secure and Trained Remote Business

Coronavirus has forced many businesses to leave their offices and transfer themselves into a remote atmosphere right in their homes. While it was a necessary action, many businesses struggle with the new environment in terms of security and policy.
This guide was created to both ease the minds of employees thrust into a new environment as well as limit security risks imposed by working from home.
Download the Deployment Guide

Get Secure in Your Home Office

Our goal with this guide was to create a simple and direct set of steps to help guide your employees, and, in turn, your business. Remote work can be made more complicated than necessary, so we opted to create a streamlined base for you to build up with your own unique additions. While it is recommended to personalize your list, pay attention to how much extra "bloat" you're adding. Adding a dozen more small aspects and rules may overshadow many of the crucial security steps that could open your business to danger.

For Businesses – Become Secure From Home

Download the Deployment Guide
Creating a dialogue with your employees is vital to keep everyone on the same page. With this guide, you'll be able to send a plan to all your employees. It's meant to be attached to a companywide newsletter to help answer some questions. You'll have a collection of tips and resources in the hands of your employees which will create secure remote workspaces.
Want More Information?

If you have a question about what Bulletproof can do to help you with remote security, call us at 1.800.842.9452 or send an email to info@bulletproofit.ca and we'll get back to you!
Bulletproof IT
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